BingoPlus Foundation Brings
Lifestyle Press Release

BingoPlus Foundation Brings Joy to Over 1,000 Beneficiaries with Make-a-Wish Program

DigiPlus Interactive and its social development arm, BingoPlus Foundation, donned the mantle of Santa Claus to bring joy and hope to Filipinos nationwide through their heartwarming Make-a-Wish program. With the support of BingoPlus Studio’s “Sagot ng Bingo Ang Regalo Mo” program, and local community engagement of the brand’s different stores, the initiative’s annual Christmas program expanded from 7 cities in 2023 to 37 cities in 2024, reaching over 20 provinces across the country. 

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Wishes for loved ones, community members and non-profit organizations were gathered from BingoPlus and PeryaGame players and employees, resulting in 45 exceptional wishes after meticulous screening. Through the efforts of “Digibuddy” volunteers, these fulfilled wishes painted a vivid picture of compassion and generosity

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“The Make-a-Wish program is our way of embodying the true spirit of Christmas,” shared Angela Camins-Wieneke, Executive Director of BingoPlus Foundation. “Every wish granted represents not just a gift, but a beacon of hope, love, and community. The greatest reward is seeing the smiles and the transformative impact on our beneficiaries.”

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In celebration of the inspiring stories from the Make-a-Wish program, DigiPlus and BingoPlus Foundation have created “ChristPLUS Stories,” a docu-series that highlights tales of love, sacrifice, and the true spirit of Christmas. These heartwarming stories of the beneficiaries can be viewed on the official social media pages of BingoPlus Foundation.

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