Food Lifestyle

Join Serenitea Trivia Nights and Win Awesome Sesame Streets Items, GC’s And more!!

Introducing not just new foods and flavors, the pioneer milk tea brand Serenitea has also been known in giving innovative activities and promotions to make the patrons and new clients have that options in making their visit more interactive and fun. Who does not want freebies and free stuff? Right? And this month, Serenitea have prepared something special for those brainy diners and people who just wants to be challenged.

Presenting the Serenitea Trivia Nights Tour! Keep on reading and will tell you more about it . . .

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Diary Food Lifestyle Travel

August 2018 Journal #NognogintheCityDiaries

August 2018 is all about making TIME to those people who matters the most. As we grow older, we begin to understand the importance of it and try our best to spend it wisely. We tend to disconnect to people who we know would only waste our time and would give us full negativity. I realize, Life isn’t just about making a tower and guarding it on your own, but rather building a house that is open and ready to be shared to anyone who is willing to connect. Unnoticeably, I created small circles of friendships that became my support system to different fields in my life.

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