
The solution for your Dry and Itchy Skin – Physiogel

Dry and itchy skin is not new to me. There was this moment in my life where I use to play with my skin where in I usually wrote down my name in to it using my nail and show it to my friends. I was having fun back then without knowing that it was an issue that I’ve need to address.

Growing up I realized that having a smooth skin is better than making it fairer. I’m happy with my color but making it smoother and not dry is something I’m continuously working on. According to statistics, 60-70% of Filipino women are affected with dry and sensitive skin.

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TV Host and Entrepreneur Patti Grandidge admitted she once suffered from dry and sensitive skin!

Being one of the freshest and beautiful faces in the country, just like one of every Filipinas, Patti Grandidge, also suffered from dry and sensitive skin. Patti knew that if she wanted to be in control of her life and achieve her goals, she had to overcome her insecurities, starting with her skin.

Physiogel®, the number-one most prescribed moisturizer by dermatologists, is the only skincare product that has the patented advanced Physiogel BioMimic Technology® that works naturally with your skin to make it less sensitive and dry.

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