Entertainment Lifestyle

Bring a Globe Streamwatch Roku powered anywhere! #GlobeatHome

Who needs a cable connection if you got a Globe Streamwatch Roku powered with you! Accessing good entertainment content had just been much easier anywhere, everywhere (as long as there are widescreen TV and internet).

How? Keep on Reading.

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Entertainment Lifestyle

Setting a trend in streaming experience with Globe Streamwatch Roku Powered

In the early ’90, there was this trend introduced that become a talk of the town, that is converting your normal TV into a more wider channel reach by having a satellite disk installed in your house. It was like a status symbol in the community just like owning a new iPhone 8 today. Cable connectivity started and families were craving for it. I remember how I was so fond of switching channels and even have the time to watch foreign TV shows and movies even I do not understand it. It was a big change in the entertainment category and sure did made a mark in every home. Up to now, cable connectivity has evolve to fit in the ever changing market.

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