Grooming & Pampering Health & Fitness Lifestyle

Reach Fitness Goals Easily with Johnson’s Horizon Andes 5 Elliptical Trainer

Tight work schedules, monstrous traffic jams, the unpredictable weather, and that seemingly endless line at the gym are just some reasons (or excuses) that hinder me from reaching my fitness goals this year.

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Grooming & Pampering Health & Fitness Lifestyle

My Fitness Motivations + FAVORI New Wellness Product line

I’ve been trying to put fitness part of my life. Yes, I’d go to the gym or even hit the road for a run but it isn’t on a regular basis. I tried too many times to do it regularly but still with too many things under my hat, I sometimes find it hard to squeeze it in my schedule. But I’m still trying and hopefully I could be able to find my self addicted to do this things.

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Grooming & Pampering Lifestyle

My Fitness Journey at The Foundry Fitness & Athletics

I’ve been dreaming and wanting to have that (pa-yummy) hard bod! And I know it isn’t that easy to achieve specially if your above 25 already. I’ve been working out for almost 5 years now, but I guess my hard-work still didn’t paid off. Maybe I’m doing something that isn’t right or my time spent at the gym is not enough or maybe I’ve been eating the wrong foods.

I’ve been spending almost Php 1,500 per month just to get access to the gym facilities and been trying to visit as much as I could. Maybe I’m doing something wrong? Or I just need a certain push and the right execution to attain my goals. I know a lot of you can relate to what I’m saying, so keep on reading you might get something good from my recent discovery.

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The Crossfit Test x Ensure Stay Strong Grip Strength Challenge

Since its introduction to me I was longing to try it once again. I said before that doing so is quite suited in my lifestyle. Crossfit will only take less than an hour or even minutes of continuous hardcore bodyweight exercises, perfect suited in my busy schedule.

But even though I thought of that before I still haven’t got a chance to do it. I Don’t know, maybe i’m just pre-occupied recently. As to what Gelli Victor said to me once, “time is not an excuse, it will never happen unless you put it on the priority list.” I realise that actually, but I was a bit hesitant even more because of my work.

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Health & Fitness Lifestyle

The Element of Science and Fitness at Sky Fitness

Sky Fitness is a franchise from Singapore, which currently have 2 branches here in Manila (Makati & Podium Branch. There are plans of opening up new branches, but the newest would be is located at The Podium. Sky Fitness mixes the element of science and fitness together to make programs designed specially for your own body type. Their unique Fitness approach actually sets them apart from the usual. Sky Fitness doesn’t want to be tagged as a regular gym thou and programs for each individual are not just based on standard workout routines.

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