Health & Fitness Lifestyle Press Release

Make the Clear Upgrade at Home: The Pre- and Post-Workout Routine You Shouldn’t Be Skipping

Getting an intense power workout into your daily routine helps keep your mind focused and your body in shape. Dedicating at least 30 minutes every day to your physical well-being allows you to recharge and leaves you feeling reenergized. Whether you clock in several hours doing lifts, core, and cardio, or just squeeze in a few light sets in between meetings, making a Clear Upgrade to your daily training can help you get as much energy and endorphins from it as you can. Incorporating slight adjustments to yield the maximum results for your mind and body, like adding a pre- and post-workout routine can help you feel cleaner and fresher after every session.

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Grooming & Pampering Lifestyle

Getting Cleared of Dandruff

Itch, flakes and frustration.

I’ve had dandruff for as long as I can remember. And as far as I know, I’ve tried just about anything I can think of to get rid of it, including using shampoo recommended by my dermatologist and apple cider vinegar. I mean sure, these solutions work…but only for a time. Six weeks into the regimen and my flakes are back.

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