
Capturing a Fallen Angel

Location: Wildlife Q. C. | D31Club PH | Camera: Canon 550D (Note: Please refrain from unauthorized copying or redistribution (partial or complete) of my photos. Kindly inform me or acknowledge me when you use it for other purposes. Photos by: Rodel Flordeliz)       [Facebook_Comments_Widget title=”” appId=”” href=”” numPosts=”5″ width=”550″ color=”dark” code=”html5″ ]

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Chef Hasset on the Go!

From being an Entrepreneur to a for-rent Chef and now as an author of a recipe book? Nothing can really stop Chef Hasset Go in attaining success in the field of baking! At the recent Chef Hasset Go Bloggers Night held at Il Mercanti Food bazaar in Metrowalk last May 5,2012, It marked another milestone in Chef Go’s achievment, having launch his official website –

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Chef on the HotSeat!

Find out what happened at the recent Chef Hasset Go Bloggers Night at the Il Mercanti last May 5, 2012 and get to know more about this young chef from Mindanao who at the young age of 23 had already started his own business and how he triumphed over all his trials and finally become a locally and internationally recognized chef that he is now.

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A Paris Experience in Makati City

Paris Delice carries authentic French Bread, pastries, sandwiches, quiches (pronounce as k-eee-ssh), and salads, all at a very reasonable price!

How they do that? Well according to the owners, breads are made and pre-baked across the globe straight from France and imported frozen in the country, chefs and bakers in the restaurant will then have the duty to cooked it to perfection before serving it to thier clients.

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Trip to Tarlac Province, Philippines

The Bread n’ Butter team lead by Rodel Flordeliz had a blast touring around Tarlac Province with the help og UNTV Tarlac News Team. The 2-day stay in Tarlac Province was a wonderful experience. And this will not be possible with out the help of the following personnel;

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