Your daily commute doesn’t have to be just a necessity to get to work. Whether it takes you 20 minutes or 2 hours, it can also be a chance to do something you don’t have time for during the rest of the day. You can make the most of your commute by doing something that interests you or even taking care of some tasks you need to get out of the way. Before you set off on your commute, think about how you want to use it to ensure you use the time in a valuable way.

Get Ready for the Work Day
Some people see their commute as the last chance to have some time to themselves before starting work. But others might see it as the perfect time to get ready for their day. By the time you get to work, you’ll be in the right mindset and might have started some important tasks. You could use the time to catch up on some emails or prepare anything you have on your agenda for the day. Perhaps you just need to remind yourself of what you have coming up or go over some notes so you’re ready for what’s next.
Read or Listen to a Book
Your commute can be the perfect time to catch up on some reading. It’s time that you get to yourself, even if you’re surrounded by other people. You could choose to take a book with you and see how much you can read, even if your commute is only a few minutes. An ereader, tablet or even your phone can be slimmer and lighter options too. Or if you prefer to listen to something, you could try an audiobook. If you want to give your brain a chance to slowly boot up in the mornings, listening to a book can be more relaxing.
Stimulate Your Brain
On the other hand, you might want to wake up your brain so you’re ready to go. Your commute could be a good time to keep your mind sharp by giving it a challenge. One of the easiest ways to do this is to play games and puzzles that get you to think. You might like to play spider solitaire, do a sudoku puzzle, or perhaps try a crossword. You could use your time to learn a new language or pick up a new skill, including one that might help you in your career.
Catch Up with Friends or Family
Your commute could also be a nice time to catch up with other people. Maybe you travel with a colleague who would like to have a chat in the morning. Or you could take some time to talk to friends or family, who are also commuting to their own jobs or who are just getting started with their days. It can be difficult to find time to do this when you’re busy with other commitments, so your commute could be the perfect moment.
Your commute could be more valuable than you first think. Plan to make use of it, instead of just enduring it.