Taking out 10 minutes even from the busiest of schedules is doable and not difficult. By working out for 10 minutes at a time, you can move steadily toward your fitness goals. Not everyone can devote 30 minutes to workouts five times a week. Except for the very disciplined souls (who also happen to have sufficient time at hand), even the thought of working out for an hour or hours at a stretch seems far-fetched. And stamina has not yet entered the conversation.

Some exercise is better than no exercise at all. People procrastinate working on their fitness because they set very high and demotivating goals. With ten minutes of exercise at a time, fitness objectives seem easier and more achievable. And if you know how to maximize the potential of those 10 minutes, you will be well on your way to becoming the healthiest version of yourself. With the recommended dosage of a reputable brand of workout supplements, you can burn fat faster, build muscles, boost your energy, enhance your performance, and optimize recovery times.
Even doctors suggest starting with 10 minutes of exercise five days a week or more if it has been a long time since you worked out. Starting easy might motivate you to go further. If you are wondering what you can do to achieve optimal fitness by putting in only 10 minutes at a time, here are some ideas for you:
Devote One-Sixth of an Hour to Cardio
Ten minutes amount to one-sixth of an hour. Use these minutes for a quick cardio session. Did you know that the origin of the word cardio is the Greek word for the heart? It’s true. Cardio, the word, is derived from Kardia, which means heart. As the name itself suggests, this kind of exercise holds great benefits for the heart. Apart from that, it can help prevent many kinds of diseases and manage preexisting conditions effectively.
Cardio workouts are also beneficial for your bones, joints, muscles, lungs, skin, brain, and digestion. Don’t do cardio that you are not interested in; rather, take up a form of cardio that you enjoy. For instance, if you love skipping, take the rope and start. You can burn around 200 calories in 10 minutes. For every 30 seconds of consecutive jumping, give yourself 10 seconds of rest. If you live in a location where you have easy access to nature, maybe you could take your workout outside.

Allow 600 Seconds for Stretching
With stretching, it’s more about the quality of your stretches than the quantity. For you to reap the benefits of stretching for 600 seconds, that is, 10 minutes, is more than enough. You deserve the flexibility, mobility, and quality of life that this can bring. If your work is mostly sedentary, take a break and do your favorite stretches. Optionally, you could weave ten minutes of stretching into your bedtime routine.
Strength Train for Less than One Percent of the Day
Ten minutes make up less than one percent of the day (0.69 percent, to be precise). This seems like a negligible amount, but you can make it count. Once you get used to ten-minute sessions of strength training, you won’t even need a gym membership. With bodyweight exercises, you won’t even need strength training equipment. The best part is that you can do these exercises just about anywhere. For learning about correct posture during strength training and other helpful tips, you may want to watch some videos online, or better yet, work out with the short videos.

Even if you work out for longer periods of time and are in a hurry on a specific day, you can make use of these ideas. It will be better than skipping your workout routine altogether. Getting fit and staying that way with 10 minutes of exercise is possible and not ridiculous. With ten minutes a day, keep the doctor away! You can add multiple such 10-minute slots to your day as your stamina increases and as your schedule permits.