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6 Productivity Tips for Filipinos Working from Home

Perhaps you have the impression that remote work is much easier than working at an office. After all, you don’t have to endure hours of traffic, pollution, and stress to go to work. You can also take a break and watch television whenever you want without feeling anxious. While all these perks are true, it doesn’t mean that working from home is automatically easier. 

Keep in mind that doing your job in the comfort of your own home poses its own set of unique challenges. Imagine how difficult it is to stay productive when your desk is merely an arm’s length away from your comfortable bed and you have no boss around to keep you in check. In addition, you have to deal with constant distractions and interruptions if you want to get any work done. 

Whether you are currently looking for online jobs in the Philippines or transitioning to work from home setup as the COVID-19 virus continues to affect the country, know that it requires more discipline and determination to succeed in remote work. You need to adjust your habits and find ways to remain focused as if you are still in the office. To help you out, here are several tips on how you can stay productive while working from home:

Invest in a Reliable Internet Connection

Without a stable internet connection, working from home is impossible. How can you share files, conduct virtual meetings, or exchange documents when you are always offline? How can you do your job efficiently when it takes many minutes for you to download an assignment or attach a file? Avoid hiccups, frustration, and waste of time by investing in a reliable and strong internet connection. If you are doing regular work, 5 to 10 Mbps will suffice. However, you need at least 20 Mbps if your job requires uploading massive file sizes or folders of documents. It is also prudent to have prepaid or pocket Wi-Fi as a backup to avoid work interruptions. 

Create a Designated Workspace

Assign a designated area in the house where you can work on a regular basis and focus on your job assignments. It doesn’t have to be a spacious room. Corner space with a desk and comfortable chair will do for as long as it is well-ventilated and free from distractions. By creating your “office,” you can readily condition your mind to switch to “work mode” even if you are at home.

Stay Organized


Once you have a designated workstation, you need to make an effort to keep it organized and tidy. Otherwise, you will have a challenging time focusing on your tasks because the brain is easily distracted by clutter and mess. You may want to reuse old baskets, bins, and containers to store your office supplies and documents. You can also decorate your desk with small indoor plants. You may not realize it, but looking at greeneries can relieve stress and boost your concentration and productivity. Hence, channel your inner plantita or plantito and find low-maintenance houseplants to invigorate your workspace. 

Make a Work Schedule 

If you want to be productive while working at home, effective time management is essential. Instead of doing your job when you feel like it, it is best to create a work schedule and stick to it. Besides ensuring that you’re not wasting precious time, observing a regular work routine can help train your mind to focus on work-related activities during specific hours of the day. 

Ask Your Family’s Cooperation

Just because you are at home does not mean that you are free to talk, socialize, or run errands. These things should be clear to you and your family, especially if your parents and older relatives often ask you to carry out various tasks for them. Talk to your family members about your work schedule and stress the reality that although the location of your job has changed, you’re still performing tasks that require hard work, privacy, and focus. 

You may also want to set some ground rules to discourage personal intrusions. For example, you can notify your housemates that you are unavailable during work hours unless there is an emergency. You can also keep your workspace off-limits to family members. By communicating clear boundaries, you can focus more and avoid unnecessary interruptions that can compromise your productivity.

Prepare as Though You’re Still Going to the Office

Take a shower, change into decent clothing, comb your hair, and eat your breakfast before you start working. Again, maintaining certain habits can greatly help in preparing yourself mentally for the day ahead. Think about it. If you work in your pajamas, it will be difficult for you to concentrate and get things done because your wardrobe is signaling to your body to relax, take it easy, or worse, sleep. Although you don’t have to wear a business suit, it will help if you put on an outfit better than loungewear. Never forget that you’re working, so, dress the part.

The pointers mentioned above are just some of the most doable strategies that you can employ to boost productivity while working from home. Remember that while WFH may be a work arrangement that is more comfortable and convenient in many ways, it is still work. It is not a vacation or a time to slack off. If you want to advance in your career and build a solid reputation in your company or among your clients, you must prove to the people your work with that you can produce results even if you’re not physically present in the office.

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