Doing the laundry may seem easy, especially if you have an automatic washing machine that practically does everything for you. But did you know that you could still end up with unclean or musty-smelling clothes and encounter issues if you fail to do this common household chore right? Just because you have been washing clothes for years does not mean that you know everything about it. In fact, you are probably guilty of committing several laundry mistakes that you didn’t know could ruin your garments, waste energy, and even damage your washer.
If you are interested in knowing some of the many ways you are doing laundry wrong, read on. This short guide will discuss these common slip-ups and what you should be doing instead. From sorting garments to zipping jeans, learn how to wash your clothes the right way.
Using Too Much Detergent
Contrary to a common misconception, adding loads of detergent does not result in cleaner clothes. On the contrary, the excess suds can collect dirt and trap it in areas that are difficult to rinse, such as under the collar or inside the pockets. You may end up with dirty clothes that smell bad.
You might have the best washing machine your household can buy, but using too much detergent all the time can also damage even the most hardworking washer because the unit will be forced to work doubly hard to remove the extra suds. These suds can also block the machine’s draining system, affecting its ability to pump out water effectively.
To avoid such issues, try to cut the amount of detergent you usually use in half. For example, if you normally use four scoops per load, reduce it to two scoops. Add a bit more if your clothes are not as clean as they should be. An even easier option, of course, would be to simply follow what your washer’s manufacturer recommends.
Sorting Incorrectly

You probably know the importance of separating your whites from your colored clothes, but there’s more to the sorting process than just this. Apart from considering the color, you should also separate your laundry according to the fabric, as heavier materials tend to damage the lighter and more delicate ones if you wash them together. Also, be sure to separate overly dirty or muddy clothes from lightly soiled articles of clothing to prevent spreading the dirt to the not-so-dirty garments.
Sort and organize your laundry well by setting up several laundry baskets for different types of garments. Have a hamper for your whites, colored pieces, jeans, delicates, towels, and other items. By doing so, you can save a lot of time and energy since you won’t have to sort the clothing items on the day you’ll be doing your laundry.
Forgetting to Close Zippers
Forgetting to close zippers is another common laundry mistake. If you merely throw your jeans, jackets, and other garments with zippers into the washer without much care, you better start being mindful. The metal teeth on the zippers can damage woven or delicate clothing items in the same load. Protect your clothes by pulling the zippers all the way up before washing. Better yet, put your delicate and light pieces inside a mesh bag for an additional layer of protection.
Washing Shirts without Unfastening the Buttons

Washing your dress shirts buttoned may seem like a brilliant idea, but doing so can damage the buttons and strain or even rip the buttonholes. So, the next time you do your laundry, take the time to unfasten all buttons, including those in the cuffs and collar.
Not Turning Garments Inside Out
Perhaps you wash your clothes without turning them inside out to save time when folding. If so, you are probably harming your garments without even knowing about it. Your washing machine may work effectively in removing dirt and stains, but it can also be hard on your garments. As such, it is best to turn your clothing inside out before washing to minimize damage to the side that you wear out or other people see. It will also prevent decorative elements like ribbons and buttons from tearing or becoming loose as they rub against other garments. Even if it takes time, be sure to turn each article inside out before washing them to prolong the life of your clothes.
Failing to Double-Check the Pockets

It only takes a few minutes to check clothes pockets for keys, coins, and other random objects before tossing them into the washer, yet many people fail to do so. If you are one of them, fix your habit immediately. Remember that your washer is for clothing items only. When hard and abrasive items get mixed into your load accidentally, these things can damage the fabric of your garments and scratch the inside of your washing machine. If you value your investment, find time to empty every pocket as you sort your laundry.
Indeed, there’s a lot more to washing clothes than merely tossing your laundry mindlessly into the washing machine. Doing the laundry entails much thought. From sorting and adding detergent to loading and washing, there is always a right way to do each process. If you want to extend the life of your clothes, get better results, and protect your washer, be sure to avoid the laundry mistakes discussed above in the future.