Using a dishwasher might feel excessive, especially in the Philippines where most households wash dishes by hand. However, the opposite is actually true. Dishwashers are actually a practical home appliance that offers plenty of benefits. Here are just a few of them that might convince you to finally get one:
It’s More Eco-Friendly
One of the biggest arguments of some people against using a dishwasher is that it wastes a lot of water. This is certainly true in some circumstances. For example, if you’re only going to wash two plates and two sets of spoons and forks, then it’s definitely best to do so by hand. However, for a big batch of dishes and utensils, you’ll actually be able to save more water if you use a dishwasher.
In fact, the latest models of dishwashers consume only 6 liters of water (or less) for a full load. This is considerably lower compared to the 30 to 40 liters you use to handwash the same amount of dishes. What’s more, thanks to technology, dishwashers are now more energy-efficient than ever. Make sure to find dishwashers for sale with a good energy rating for the best results. As a bonus, aside from protecting the environment, you can also save quite a lot on your utility bills.

It Can Really Kill Germs
Studies have shown that the kitchen is one of the dirtiest places in the entire house. After all, it’s where you prepare and rinse food—including raw meat and dirt-covered vegetables that can harbor a lot of germs. In addition, dishwashing sponges are perfect breeding grounds for bacteria like E. coli. If you’re not conscientious in disinfecting and drying these sponges, you can inadvertently spread bacteria to your eating and cooking utensils.
On the other hand, a dishwasher cleans your dishes using hot water that’s capable of killing germs. You can also boil water for handwashing, of course, but you can burn yourself this way. Simply put, using a dishwasher is a safe and efficient way of ensuring that your dishes are truly free from disease-causing microorganisms.
It Can Remove Tough Stains Better, Faster
Dishwashers are essentially pressure washers. They work by pushing or pumping hot water into the spray arms located at the top and bottom of the compartment. The high pressure then gives the water enough force to “push” stains and food bits away from your dishes. What’s even better is that these pressurized water jets can easily get into tall glasses, baby bottles, and other hard-to-reach corners.

In short, a dishwasher can get the job done in half the time and effort. There’s also no need to pre-rinse since many modern dishwashers actually have sensors that detect how dirty your plates are and can adjust the pressure needed to clean. Of course, make sure to remove all leftover bits of food from your dishes before placing them inside to prevent clogging. Wash the full load ASAP, as well, so that grimy residues like sauces and oils don’t have time to dry and stick.
It Gives You More Time to Do Things You Love
Nowadays, everyone’s schedule is jam-packed with plenty of responsibilities and activities from day to night. By the time you’ve completed your to-do list, you end up having barely enough energy to do anything more. That’s why chores like washing the dishes often get left behind—which then results in crusty, sticky messes that are even more difficult to remove.
With a dishwasher, this is no longer a problem. Again, all you have to do is remove the leftovers from your plates and bowls before popping them into the dishwasher. Then, put the right amount of dishwashing detergent, turn the machine on, and then leave it to do its magic! These steps take only a few minutes so you have more time to spend with your family, doing your hobbies, or even just taking a bit of a break from chores.
It Can Reduce Stress
In relation to the previous point, there are times when you just feel so tired that you procrastinate in doing the dishes. The problem with this is that the messier your home is, the higher your stress levels will be. You might even feel guilty about leaving tasks for later, which can compound your stress.
A dishwasher can help in this regard because keeping the dishes clean becomes a lot easier. In fact, you might even be motivated to do the dishes because of the convenience. Even if you don’t activate the machine ASAP (remember: it’s better to wait to do a full load), you won’t see a bothersome pile in the sink.
Dishwashers aren’t as popular as other home appliances in the Philippines, simply because many of us are used to the traditional method of washing the dishes. However, considering all of these benefits, perhaps it’s about time for more Pinoys to start using dishwashers at home.