Commuting Lifestyle Travel

UBE Express P2P Bus from Cubao to NAIA Schedule (Commute Guide)

Commute Guide P2P Buses from Cubao to NAIA Terminals

Battling traffic has been a day-to-day struggle for someone living in Metro Manila. Even though the government has been continually trying to find the best solution to this problem, resolving it fully could seem to still be far from reality. I had my own traffic tales to tell, and I do believe that almost all of us do too. Though we have already embraced the line “Filipino time”, still not everything in our schedule can be adjusted, especially when we talk about flights.

Coming from North of EDSA, my usual means of traveling going to NAIA is via GRAB. I can say it is still the most convenient of it all especially if you have luggage to carry with you. Most of the time, I would schedule flights in the early morning or late at night just to be able to veer away from the traffic during rush hours. The only problem that I got here is the overpricing. My fare would usually cost around Php 400 to 650 depending if there would be price surges. And I could say it is not easy on let that money go into my pocket.

On the other hand, if I would be traveling light my usual route would be by doing multiple rides via Bus & MRT or book an Angkas, especially if I am in a rush.

P2P Buses from Cubao to NAIA Terminals_-2

If I have the luxury of time, I’d pick the Point to Point (P2P) Bus by UBE Express from Cubao to NAIA costing only Php 100 per ride. (Read: Largest Ukay-Ukay store in QC)

The UBE Express P2P Bus from Cubao to NAIA

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UBE Express had launch different terminals in Metro Manila going to NAIA, one of which is situated in Araneta Center in Cubao, Quezon City.

Located along the bus terminal at the back of Araneta Coliseum, UBE Express can be spotted beside Bicol Isarog Terminal. UBE Express P2P Bus from Cubao to NAIA could be a good alternative for passengers for it could give both convenience and efficiency. They got top of the line buses that are fully air-conditioned, equipped with global positioning system (GPS) technology, Wi-Fi connection, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras, and easy access to persons with disabilities. The terminal also got an air-conditioned waiting area, where you can purchase tickets and rest if ever you arrive earlier than the bus. (Read: Dormitos Capsule Hostel in Cubao Area)

Here is the updated P2P Bus Schedule from Cubao to NAIA and vice versa (updated September 2019)

The recent table shows that the operation is already 24 hours with an interval of an hour to 1.5 with an exception for the 1:30 am schedule with only 30-minute intervals.

P2P Bus Routes

  • Cubao to NAIA Terminal 1
  • NAIA Terminal 1 to  NAIA Terminal 2
  • Terminal 2 to  NAIA Terminal 4
  • NAIA Terminal 4 to  NAIA Terminal 3
  • NAIA Terminal 3 to Cubao

Remember to allocate at least 2-hour travel to NAIA and better leave the house 4-5 hours before your flight. Even if the bus doesn’t have any other stops (other than the ones listed above) EDSA is sometimes too unpredictable so better be sure on your trip so you would not be late on your flight. Drop-off points starts at NAIA Terminal 1, then 2, then 4, then lastly at Terminal 3.

Schedule may change without prior notice.

From NAIA back to Cubao 

NAIA Terminal 3 which is the biggest and the busiest amongst the four is where the bus terminal is located going back to Quezon City. Note that this will not pass the other terminals and will go straight to Cubao. Hence if you are coming from Terminals 1, 2 or 4, what you can do is to ride the passing P2P buses to terminal 3 for free. Just let the driver know you’re going to Cubao. (Also Read: JOY BUS to Baguio)

Ticket price per ride cost Php 100.

Where to Stay in Cubao Area?

(Get 10% discount when you book hotel via BOOKING)

I’ll be updating this as we get more information if you do have additional info that could help, do let me know.

Until our next discovery in the City!
またね Mata ne! 
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