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Do’s and don’ts for travelers in Hong Kong

If you enjoy traveling to East Asia, a visit to Hong Kong must be high on your to-do list. With a range of fascinating museums, fantastic shopping, and eating choices and a busy, gripping atmosphere everywhere you turn, this harbor-side city-state is full of things to do. Here are some tips on what to do – and what to avoid doing – on your next visit.

Exploring Hong Kong (2 of 5)

DO visit the museums

As a place full of cultural opportunities, it’s essential to ensure you don’t miss out on the best that Hong Kong has to offer. Options on offer include the Hong Kong Space Museum, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum and the Hong Kong Science Museum. There’s something for everyone no matter what your interests.

DON’T forget a jacket

While Hong Kong is famous for having warm temperatures, paradoxically you may find yourself needing a jacket – or at least a jumper – wherever you go. To combat the high temperatures and keep the area’s office workers cool, buildings everywhere you go have air conditioning units which blast out cold air. Having a source of warmth on hand, then, is a smart move.

DO sample the food on offer

The city is a place with lots of diverse and tasty culinary options, so you’d be a fool to miss out on the restaurant and street food choices available to you on almost every corner. Dim sum is the most obvious option, and these small bite-size, dumpling-like portions are full of tasty local delicacies such as shrimp. Other local options, like sweet and sour pork, are also worth trying.

DON’T walk too slowly

Hong Kong is a bustling and exciting place which moves quickly at all hours of the day. Everyone here has somewhere to get to, and if you’re seen to be delaying people or causing a queue to be held up, then you may find yourself in trouble. But while you should keep an eye on how fast you walk, you should also be careful when it comes to crossing roads and so on – and exercise the caution you usually would in any fast-moving, traffic-heavy place.

DO think about the future

Hong Kong is a remarkable place, and it’s no surprise that lots of people from across America and beyond who visit it end up thinking about moving there permanently to set up a new life. Moving abroad requires a lot of effort, and as part of your research, you might find yourself looking at international schools in Singapore for your children to attend should you move, to thinking about visas, passports and emigration laws. But if you’re a frequent traveler who loves the world, living in Hong Kong is certainly worth consideration.

When you visit Hong Kong, there is a huge range of activities to choose from in this city that is unlike any other. Whether it’s eating some amazing dim sum, checking out the museums or simply enjoying the vibrant atmosphere on offer, you’ll have a great time in Hong Kong.

Also Read: Ngong Ping Village

Until our next discovery in the City!
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