Another month suddenly slip by. It was so quick I felt my mind was left still thinking from what happen on the previous months. Maybe things just came too fast or maybe I was just a bit too slow or too busy. The good moments I had wasn’t been able to cherish longer and bad memories just pass by in a click.
I have been living independently away from my family since I was in College. Living in the far end of Valenzuela (that was a former part of Bulacan) and travelling to my school in college daily was really a pain that it made me sick (mostly upset stomach and dizziness) almost everyday. So, my Mom decided for me to live in my Uncle’s house in San Andres Bukid in Ermita, Manila. I live there for almost 3 years or more in my college life. There, I have been able to control my simple life. I had the power to decide when I wanted to eat or sleep, or study or even just be lazy. My Uncle works on a night shift back then, while I study in the morning, that means, when I’m home he is already out. It was like living on my own.
In my classmates Salutatorian letter in our high school yearbook, it says that someday my dream of being in a billboard along EDSA will come true. (This one is just a mock up Lol!)
But still as I age, I never had a chance to really live on my own. When I started working, I decided to live with my workmates to lessen the cost of the rent. There was also one time that one of my employers decided to put up a room where all the employees (who are far from home) can sleep, like a boarding house. I’ve been to different house, owning different addresses. And I think I have been able to live with more than 10 different housemates already (or more than a handful to count). Some of them are like my usuals and some just come and go.
I know it is quite hard to live alone here in Manila specially if you are not earning enough. But as adulting kicks in, I felt the need to experience everything from paying the rent, fixing the shelves, washing my clothes, and simply building a home. After all, I am still a bachelor at 35, and this could be the best time to do it.
This month starts a new beginning in my life as I acquire a new address of my own.
Day 01 – Accessorising the new place
It is a small room, but this is a huge start.
I’ve been wanting to check out HMR and other second-hand shops in the metro. And because there is a need to buy stuff for the new place, I decided to drop by on this day. I ask my friend, Don, to join me on my day trip to the shop for I know he also wanted to visit the place.
Early in this morning, Mom and Dad visited me on my previous house in Sorsogon, QC to pick up all the remaining items I own. We were able to fit in all of my stuff in our small vehicle and brought it to the new place, some of the stuff I would not be needing were brought to our house in Valenzuela. Moving out is really very tiring.
After lifting all the my things from the ground to the 5th floor (without elevator), I prep up to meet Don in Trinoma. We first watched the movie “Love you to the stars and back” starring Julia Baretto and Joshua Garcia. As I remember I gave it an 8/10; for the nice story plot, great acting and for that sweet endings.
Then, I pass by the activity center to attend the Magic Crackers event where John lloyd arrive to launch the new app. Read: Play the Magic Crackers App
I wasn’t able to finish the event nor really attended for my top priority on that day was visiting HMR in Pasig City.
So we did went and was able to see a lot of stuff that I really wanted to take home. But I am happy I was able to control my spending. I ended up buying a bed sheet and a small flat iron.
Day 02 – Going to Pradera Verde
I wasn’t able to really have a lengthy sleep on this day. I went home at 2am, woke up at 4:30am and meet up with friends at 6 for our trip to Lubao Pampanga. It was a Saturday and I know it is not going to be the usual day.
I met up with Ruth at the 24hour coffee shop in West Avenue called Coffee Belle. Riding one vehicle, we manages to squeeze in 6 people inside a small car . . . Read: Pradera Verde Villas
Day 05 – Doubting
An Instagram friend of mine who is a current Councillor of Quezon City ask me to host her daughters debut. I was hesitant deciding whether to say yes to this project. Merely because until now, with my almost 8 years in the hosting industry, I still feel a newbie when it comes to hosting formal and occasional events like weddings and debut.
I remember how I felt from my previous talk in Bohol (Check out what happen in Bohol), it was the same feeling when I was ask to do this event. A mix of confusion and stress that I am so afraid to fail and to not deliver.
But just like what I did before, I wouldn’t know how is it going to be if I wouldn’t do it.
I said yes. But I still, doubtful.
The meeting went well (I think). There only concern was if I could be a “kwela” host on the event itself. Now I am doubting again! Lol!
After the meeting with the client, I met up with Rod at Robinsons Galleria. Thank you for the coffee!
Day 8 – The Diving, Resort and Travel Expo in Manila (The DRT Show)
A few months ago, a friend of mine referred me to this group who organizes the biggest Diving and Resort expo in Asia, The Diving, Resort and Travel (DRT) Show. It was a good decision for me to say yes for it will add up on my credentials, experiences and hey, this is earnings we talking.
September 8, starts the day 1 of the 3 day hosting stint. I was ask to wear formal attire for it will be the opening ceremony of the event where VIP guest from the industry will be attending. It went well I think but I didn’t really feel the connection with the audience at the beginning. I wasn’t really that happy with my performance.
My friend Gio Levy, also sang a few songs to entertain the guests on the evening of the opening day.
The second day was way better for the hosting was more casual and entertaining. I hosted the raffle draw in the evening. It was a long hosting monologue, but I guess because everyone is exited to win, everybody payed attention.
Day 3, was even better with bigger crowd specially when I did the closing ceremony of this years event.
Thank you very much Vita and Christine and also to the organisers of the DRT Show for helping me out and for making this event easier.
Day 11 – Ford Music and Motion City Drive
With Ron, Luie and our supporting band.
Ford invited me over to join their Music and Motion City Drive this day. It was a fun yet tiring activity for I think I was only able to sleep for a very short time. I was teamed up with Ron and Luie and I think we did amazing (We won the challenges and the judges were impressed!). Here’s what happen in the whole day activity documented by my team mate Luie.
And here is the final video, Hope it will make you smile today
Day 14 – MTV launch MTV Buddy Jess
Day 15 – Five years and she’s back!
My sister gave us a big bang today, flying from the U.S. and back here in Manila after 5 long years. My parents and I was so surprise when we saw them walking at NAIA terminal 1.
A few weeks ago, Lanie told mom that the package they prepared will be brought by her friend who is doing a vacation with her family here in Manila. The plan was to meet this family in NAIA terminal 1, and bring them to Eastwood where they book a hotel to stay for two weeks.
It was a very believable lie and my sister pulled it of perfectly. My mom went crazy when she saw her walking along with her two kids, Alley and Alesia, and her husband Alex.
I was happy that my pamangkin Alley still recognises me and felt happy to see me. As much as I wanted to be with them going to our house in Valenzuela, I wasn’t able to, for I got an important event happening on the next day.
Day 16 – Read: E-Bloggers Ball
Day 20 – Read iFlix at Unit 27 + Freezerburn date with Ruth
Day 21 – Family Reunion
Thursday, I woke up early and decided to go home in Valenzuela today.My sister prepared food in celebration of Alley’s birthday and invited all our relatives to have a simple gathering at the house. The whole family is coming so It is a must for me to be there. It was so disappointing to feel that I should have at least decided to file a leave just to stay a bit longer in the house, but wasn’t able to do so because of the very tight schedule. Well that is why surprise is a surprised right? Nonetheless, I hope I could be able to visit them in Virginia soon enough.
In the evening, Ruth, Rod and I attended the King’s Men 2 private screening at Robinsons Galleria, I invited Chivas Malunda to join us in the event but unfortunately stood us up because of a very long meeting. The movie was exceptionally great I gave it a 9/10.
Day 22 – I decided to drop by at ICE/FAD and deliver the clothes I wore at the E-Bloggers Ball. Thank you Lev!
Day 23 – Hobby Mania in SM Tarlac
Along with social media influencers, we visited SM City Tarlac to attend the opening of this years Hobby Mania. I was asked to host the said event, which was broadcasted online in all the 13 other SM Malls in the North. It was a huge event online I could say, and I did enjoyed doing the job.
It is not too frequent (yet) to see my self in banners inside a mall! WOW!
Day 27 – Avon Breast Cancer Awareness Month / ‘Last Night’
Pink Minute!
After the meetup with #RuRoRo at Ventris North, I went to the office and bumped into JBK (Who is flying to UK for the upcoming X Factor Boot camp) and DJ Alice of Wish 107.5 before going to work.
Day 28 – Read: Telus Iphonetography seminar
Day 29 – Last Friday of the Month!
It was the first day of our quarterly Thanksgiving, I woke up very early today just to be at the locale before the program starts. I attended at the Local of Visayas Avenue and stayed there till the afternoon.
After my church duties, I went straight to the Converse event. I was actually too late for the program already ended when I arrived. Nevertheless, everybody is still there socialising.
Converse introduces the NBA Chuck Taylor All Star Collection
On September 29, 2017, Converse launches the NBA Chuck Taylor All Star Collection, giving fans a way to show their NBA pride and celebrate their favorite teams. Representing all 30 NBA teams, the collection pays tribute to the game and celebrates the culture of basketball and its influence on today’s street style with three design tiers: Gameday, Legend and Franchise.
Launching in the Philippines are 6 out of the 13 NBA teams, the sneaker features team logos decorated on the tips of the laces and embroidered on the sneaker’s tongue with tonal lace and multicolor lace aglets.
The NBA Chuck Taylor All Star Collection is only available at Converse shops in Festival Mall, Glorietta and Ayala Center Cebu for Php 4,950.
Nokia’s latest innovation has finally arrived in the Philippines!
After the converse event, Ruth and I joined Ian to Manila House to attend the launch of a new product from Nokia Philippines, the latest phone Nokia 8.
Considered the coming of Nokia on Android, the Nokia 8 brings three world-firsts to Android smartphones for fuller mobile communication technology experience. The phone’s Dual-Sight camera captures two sides of a story, taking the selfie evolution a step higher toward #bothie. Its 360-degree OZO Audio delivers the best audio experience and the Qualcomm® SnapdragonTM 835 Mobile Platform guarantees optimal performance. Hope to try this phone really soon!
Monthly Journal: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August
Until our next discovery in the City!
またね Mata ne!
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