It is always a drawback for fitness starters the struggle on getting their food right whether they plan to bulk up or loose weight. I personally have that problem, specially if I do not have the time to research on what food to eat and what not specially now that I’m planning to gain more muscles. Friends are always a nice source of information but having your own personal knowledge about those kind of stuff would really make that goal easier to achieve.
Nonetheless, time could always still be an issue. If you are like me who still wanted to achieve my goals but doesn’t have the luxury to prepare my own meals. Getting some helping hand could be the answer. That is why I tried The Good Box Ph recently.
I started it a few weeks ago even before I got back to the gym. Hoping that at the very least an improvement with my body would be achieve after the first quarter at the gym.
Who’s working out at #PlanetInfinity?
The plan started up with a simple inquiry from the website They were really prompt in answering queries which I actually like specially that I’m a busy person and I want answers to be delivered quickly. Just a quick background, The Good Box Ph is a food service giving healthy, nutritious food in the meal plan of your choice available at your convenience, 5 days a week (Monday – Friday). Their meal plans consist of 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400 and 2700 calorie menus; each meticulously planned with proper proportions of fat, carb and protein by thier in-house nutritionist and chefs for a balanced meal. They also make sure that every meal has the nutrients our body needs to keep itself fuelled throughout the day. Whether you are trying to lose weight, maintain it, or even gain some, there is just no excuse to not eat healthy.
The Good Box Ph also offers a special meal programs like the famous South Beach Diet, Diets for Medical Conditions and 5-day Juice Cleanse!
After my inquiry, I was ask to answer a Nutrition and Lifestyle Questionaire. This can be done online that is why there is no need for a physical appearance. You just need to answer it as honest as possible. After sending the sheet. I then receive an email coming from their partner Nutritionist. Who then gave me free consultation on how I could achieve my goals faster along with the suggested meal plan.
This is my prescription from the in-house nutritionist Ms. Fia Batua;
Your Prescribed Calorie Intake is:
** DX: 1800 kcal Low Fat Diet
(for days with moderate Active PhysicalActivities/Workout)
I recommend that you go for the 1800kcalories Diet Meal Plan from TheGoodBoxPH
And because I am a bit irregular when it comes to exercise, I was given an 1800kcalories Diet Meal Plan. I guess this is just enough for me for the day. I then informed TheGoodBoxPh about the prescription and then arrangement about the food delivery begins.
The delivery begins on a Sunday night and ends on a Thursday. Food delivered at night can be stored and refrigerated and then be heated or stayed chilled defending on what was ticked on the box. I love the variety of the food as the day progresses and I also like the feel of being surprise upon opening the box.
A 1800kcalorie Diet Meal Plan usually consists of 3 meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, 1 to 2 snack in between and 1 to 2 drinks that could be a yogurt, juice or shake. I personally love the rice meals (because I love eating rice) and the snacks in between. Sometimes when I got the delivery at night, I tried my best not to eat some of it but most of the time I fail. There was also a time that I was so giddy on to tasting the meal for the evening I end up eating the whole piece. Well I guess I need to change that soon enough, because The Good Box PH plan is really designed for each individual and be eaten distributedly, 2 to 3 hours in between.
Having a meal plan is really a life saver. At least now, achieving my goals could be much easier. I do not need to worry on what to eat for the whole day or what to prepare or even go to the market to do my grocery, The Good Box Ph makes everything much easier. Also counting calories wouldn’t be a problem specially if I got goals of either gaining or weight loss, having a meal plan from the Good Box PH will assure us that the recommended target calories you need in the day will be delivered.
And this is another thing that I love about the Good Box Ph, they are also offering a special meal programs like the famous South Beach Diet, Diets for Medical Conditions and 5-day Juice Cleanse!
I was diagnosed to have acid reflux recently so I might be asking the Good Box Ph to make some necessary adjustments to my meals. Will tell you more about this pretty soon. For now if you are thinking and having the same situation like I have, maybe its time for you to ask some one to prepare food for you. The Good Box Ph is really a life saver.
The 5 meals a day, 5 days a week meal program starts at Php 2,750 (1200 Calorie Menu)
To get to know more about the the Good Box Ph do visit the website You can also email or contact them here: | 0917-7111732.
Until our next discovery in the City!
またね Mata ne!
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