Having more than a handful of choices could sometimes complicate your decision making, especially if your ready to spend your money to buy a certain item. And when your torn between two or more items, friends recommendation could be essential. Or going online to read reviews could be very helpful. But if these suggestions aren’t still enough. Why not check out the mosts saleable items in the market? Hive Mind is the answer to that!
Hive Mind is the newest digital gadget store concept from Digital Walker. Hive Mind concept involves creating a tech-hub that houses nothing but the best performing premium accessories today, to make it easier for anyone to find the right one for the job. The selection is based on the demands of Digital Walker’s customers. From each category, the ten most sought-after accessories as well as the top ten brands make it to the store. (Also Check out Recession Coffee by Digital Walker)
It was my first time to visit last week at Hive Mind and I love how easy it is to navigate the place. It easier for me as well to decide which one to pick. I love how quirky they designed the place and I personally got my eyes on Iphone 6s and macbook cases!
“To this day, recommendation is still among the best ways to know exactly how a product performs,” shares Charles Paw, CEO of Digits Trading Inc. “We are lobbying on purchase history to narrow down the selection to only the best. It’s like listening to thousands of tech enthusiasts and taking their choices to make it easier for others to find the right gadget.”
The first Hive Mind is located on TriNoma Mall‘s third level. Featuring colors and a layout that is reflective of the guiding principle behind the brand, its design allows its staff to quickly replace accessories based on a new date provided by Digital Walker.
So if your item matches their stats, it would definitely be included in the lists.