Grooming & Pampering Lifestyle

The BHAGs & WTM in Nivea Men’s Science of Looking Good

What if you’re given a chance to formulate a solution to look good? What ingredients would you mix? Well, that could be a bit challenging, good thing men, nowadays wouldn’t need to mix secret potions to look good!

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 In our time, modern men are already in the vanity game! More and more products are available in the market that targets the needs of men and just recently Nivea Men launched its latest campaign “Discover the Science of Looking Good” and creates an avenue to let men know that grooming is an essential key to unlocking ones full potential.

Exciting! For sure we will learn something from here. Read on.

The event was held at Black Market, and amazingly presented it in a fun way. Before reaching the main activity place, invited men were challenged to answer questions and puzzles (which, of course I answered perfectly lol!). Along with their products, Nivea Men presented and taught everyone the BHAGS & WTM.

Have you guested what that means? Well it was my first discovery as well to hear the meaning of those acronyms, BHAGs stands for Big Hairy Audacious Goals which gave us an idea in attaining the goals in style and WTM defined Wash Tone and Moisturize which is a recommended routine men should do for their daily regimen.

NIVEA MEN believes that being well groomed everyday helps men unlock their potential.

Aside from the guest speakers, NIVEA MEN is also creating a series of webisodes that will feature useful, witty and engaging tips on how a modern man can look good in the aspect of career, sports and relationships. Guys will then be invited to visit the grooming guides on the NIVEA MEN websites where they can further break down the science to supercharging how they look and feel. Here are some of the good looking men of Nivea Men. 🙂

Can you give me a secret vanity tip???

Until our next discovery in the City!
またね Mata ne! 
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