Icy Baby Blues

Major Homes SPACE EDSA53

Penshoppe recently launched its Spring/Summer 2016 collection plus a new endorser that perfectly represent the fresh collection of the brand. Lucky Blue Smith, an American model and actor popularly known for his platinum blond hair, is now a familiar face to Filipinos as seen at billboards and stores of Penshoppe.

penshoppe ootd snobshot


I was able to shop recently and found different amazing pieces in the store but I ended up getting a white and gray pullover, crop pants and an eyewear.  It will be my first time to wear crop pants and I just love how it perfectly fits me. As what my friend recently told me after seeing how I wore it, I think I found my paper! I’m planning now to buy all the colors! So definitely, I’ll be back in the store. Here’s how I put it together.

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Major Homes SPACE EDSA68

What I’m wearing: Penshoppe 

Until our next discovery in the City!
またね Mata ne! 
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