
Tonight my name is 'Ron' lol! Trying out CBTL's Ice Blended Mango w/ whipped cream

Here’s a quick update on what’s keeping me busy this moment. Check this out; Shot from IPAD 3 Follow @Rodelflordeliz on Instagram and get an update daily. follow me on Twitter: @rodelflordeliz like my fan page:

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12 Heavenly Music to be heard at ASOP Music Festival 2012 Finals Night

“While songs about love and relationships are a dime a dozen on air, few and far-between are the songs written for the glory of God”, remarked by BMPI-UNTV Chairman & CEO, also a known songwriter and recording artist, Dr. Daniel Razon, thus the birth of “A Song of Praise (ASOP) Music Festival” hosted by Richard Reynoso and Toni Rose Gayda aired every Sunday on UNTV.

As days progressed, more praise songs written by amateur and professional composers were heard in said TV program expressing the wonderful things the Maker has bestowed on us.

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