Somebody That I Used to Know – Walk off the Earth (Gotye – Cover) – Ang lupeeett!!!

Ang lufeeeettt! I just recently discover this youtube band called “Walk off the Earth” It might be a little too late to share, but still to those person like me who still doesn’t know about this online sensation group, you’ll be amazed on how talented they were.

In this Walk off the Earth youtube Video, they played thier own rendition of the song “Somebody that I used to know” popularized by Gotye. It’s currently one of my favorite song actually! Walk of the Earth performed the song and created thier music just by using one guitar. Now look how talented they are!??? Sharing one guitar, they made a drum sound, bass and lead guitar. I personally love the husky voice of Marshall (the first guy who sung). While i’m writing this blog post this video already hit an ultimate 129,413,856++

Well, just click on the play button to hear and see some kind of awesomeness!

[youlist vid=”d9NF2edxy-M” width=”560″ height=”315″]


[Note from the band]

Please help us get back to the top of iTunes by downloading this single…thanks!

Walk off the Earth perform a cover of Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used to Know” using five people on one guitar.

We would like to thank Gotye and Kimbra for writing such a beautiful song if you have not heard their music please go and check them out.

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We will love you for eva and eva!

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Special thanks to Guilly for helping us with this video.

Performers from left to right:
Joel Cassady
Sarah Blackwood
Gianni Luminati

Source: Walk off the Earth 


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