Toys! Toys and lots of toys at the Toy Convention 2012 held at SM Megamall, Megatrade Hall last June 15,16 & 17. I was a lucky guy to be given a 3-day-pass for th eevent but unluckily, with my busy schedule, I could only have a day to experience this big event. That’s why I’ve asked my good friend Azrael Colladilla, which is also the organizer of the event to tell me which particular date should I visit. I was told that Saturday and Sunday would be the best days, so i decided to visit the event on a Sunday. This year’s theme is about the upcoming movie “Dark Knight Rises”.

I went to Sm Megatrade Hall late Sunday afternoon. Just early enough to witness one of my favorite weird and wacky band Kamikazee.
Upon arriving, Cosplayers playing different characters are lobbying around the area. Lots of fans and Cosplayers are there happy to be recognized with what they have imitated for the day. I took the chance of taking cool photographs of some of the Cosplayers i run into.
A lot of characters are not so familiar to me specially the new ones, but still it amazes me to see the characters comes to life. Actually if your a photographer and wanting to get some good portraiture in the event. Even without entering the main event venue is enough for you get many Cosplayers to shoot, but off course so called Class A Coplayers are found inside.
Regular tickets per day are sold for P100,if I attended for days, that’s a total of P300 of savings! Nice!
Anyway, as you enter the place lots of booths selling different items can be found from garments, comic books, DVDs, and toy collections, anything connected to toys, anime, movie and other famous characters.

A separate room that showcases gallery of toys own by different collectors could also be found inside. From smallest to life size toys are displayed in the area. I was wishing i’ve own some of the toys i’ve seen and create my own room full of toys.

After roaming around, time has come to my most waited part of the event, to witness Kamikazee do a mini concert, people gather around the stage while waiting for the band. It was said that Kamikazee did a music video shoot in ToyCon 2012 for their new song directed by visual artist Avid Liongoren.

More cheering and shouting were heard when the band starts to play their music. I’m lucky to been taller enough to see the stage to take some pictures and videos of the show. To make it more interesting to watch, Cosplay competition is being held at the same stage while the Kamikazee is playing. You can watch one of the video I captured here

I went home with a smile, knowing and feeling younger than ever. When I was young, I always dreamt of having a room full of toys, well I guess the ToyCon somehow makes it came true. I may not have money to spend to buy expensive toys to collect, Im rest assured that even once every year I only be needing to spend a hundred pesos or less to make that moment happened again.
Till nex year! Enjoy more of the pics here …
(Note: Please refrain from unauthorized copying or redistribution (partial or complete) of the photos. Kindly inform me or acknowledge me when you use it for other purposes. Photos by: Rodel Flordeliz)
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