The crowd was booing after the stunning split decision was made by the judges. Timothy Bradley was announces to be the winner in the PacBradley fight. Almost everybody was in a great shocked learning that the best pound for pound boxer, Filipino Congressman Manny Pacquiao, losses the fight.
Bradley remained undefeated, improving his record to 29-0, with 12 KOs. Pacquiao fell to 54-4-2, with 38 KOs, suffering his first loss since 2005, when he fell to Mexico’s Erik Morales.
It was disappointing! In an instant, the #PacBradley hashtag is trending and almost everybody couldn’t believe with the decision, so many “boxing is dead” tweets. The trending is like 100 tweets per second.
Many out there do feel there is an upset brewing: Boxing writers, boxers, trainers, celebrities and many of the knowledgeable minds are questioning the Bradley win.
For Filipino’s and supporters Pacman wins!
On the good side, Pacquiao got to finish watching the NBA, and was guaranteed $26 million! Bradley, earned the biggest payday of his career with $5 million.
And talking about the rematch? An automatic rematch clause has been place and will expect to happen this year. Ive read in an article posted in USAtoday “Bradley, 28, said over and over all week he was going to shock the world. He even unveiled an oversized ticket during the final press conference that had Bradley-Pacquiao II written on it, a reference to a rematch after Bradley wins.”
Well it’s up for you to think, what is brewing on that line, but it is certain, Big money for a big boxing fight! We just hope this would turn to be a great fight and not be another ‘coking’ show in the making. You know what i’m saying.
What do you think about the Pacquiao-Bradley fight? tell me what you think.
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