It wasn’t the first time I ate at a French Restaurant, but honestly this was my first to try an authentic croissant straight from Paris, France. Made possible by the alternative fast-food french Restaurant called Paris Delice.

Located at 1 Juno Street, corner Makati Avenue, Makati City, Paris Delice carries authentic French Bread, pastries, sandwiches, quiches (pronounce as k-eee-ssh), and salads, all at a very reasonable price!
How they do that? Well according to the owners, breads are made and pre-baked across the globe straight from France and imported frozen in the country, chefs and bakers in the restaurant will then have the duty to cooked it to perfection before serving it to thier clients.

But why not just bring a pastry chef here and do the process in the Philippines? They explained that the secret of creating an authentic french bread is depends on the environment (humidity, etc.) add to that is the water & flour used. The flour, French bakers use, were considered as one of the most important ingredient in the process of making the breads.

Paris Delice is owned by Carlos Barrica, a Filipino, and two french exchange students in the Philippines namely Thibault Danel & Florian Coucke. According to them, after they’ve finish their studies here in Manila, they went back to France to work as a crew in a french restaurant and studied the whole operation.

And after gathering all the important information that they could use, they went back to the Philippines and put up the business.
But why in the Philippines? Why thought of investing money here?
Well according to them, It’s quite hard to put up a restaurant business in Europe, with the current crisis and the difficulty of the local residents there to look for a job. They have search and visited many places and found out that the best opportunity to put up this kind of restaurant is here in the Philippines
Restaurant business here are also tough, but with our (Filipinos) culture of being fond of eating, all that Paris Delice needed to do is to be different and present a new line of product, and so they did.

Initially upon opening, The restaurant was patronize mostly by foreigners and fellow french people but through word of mouth and their own way of marketing strategy, currently almost 70% of their clients are Filipinos.

Here are some of the sumptuous foods we ordered;

L’Europeen (Php165) (forest ham, emmental cheese, mayonaise, lettuce)
L’Americain (Php175) (forest ham, pickles, eggs, tomatoes, lettuce, mayonaise)

French breads starts at Php 30 up to a Php 100. Sandwiches ranges from Php155-220, fixed price of Php 195 to Pastas, Hot Dishes ranges from Php 85 up to Php 185, and Hot Drinks and Coffee (Hot or Iced) ranges from Php 85 -125.
I could say for a very decent place surrounded by too many popular restaurants in Makati, Paris Delice is quite affordable and could actually battle-out some of their competitors around the area.

Paris Délice
1 Juno Street, corner Makati Avenue 1209
Makati City – Metro Manila, PHILIPPINES
for deliverly or more information you
could contact them here +(632) 798 0740.
Or E-mail:,
Until our next trip in the City!
またね Mata ne!